Saturday, October 18, 2008
update on dad
Mom said he doesn't have a shirt big enough to go around the sling and himself and she told him she would go to Wal-Mart and buy him some and he told her NO. So I'm sending 3 shirts to him from my hubby so he can at least cover up when he can go out in 2wks.
He was looking in the mirror last night and said, "Hey, my shoulders are even again." YEAH!
So mom said she is extremely happy with everything.
The other thing is the head of the hospital DID call her back yesterday and talked with my mom and she is going to have another person call and talk with mom and my dad about the whole situation. I think a certain Dr. Kenny is going to be in trouble! He better learn some bedside manners!
The other thing my mother told the head of the hospital is that there really should be some type of program or classes offered to hospital staff to learn how to "deal" with post traumatic stress syndrome patients! I think this would be a wonderful idea and I told my mother her and dad should really think about starting up such a program. I'm sure my father is not the only patient like that.
Anyway, I'm happy with the report I got and glad dad is doing so well. :)
Happy day!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Medical People really don't get it
Yet on the other hand I'm VERY intrigued with the medical field. When I hear of something I have to research it. It just blows my mind on how the body works. I love the medical for humans and animals. Science in general maybe?
My dad was in a car accident in June of this year. Well, actually it was a motorcycle accident. He was hit by a 70+yr old woman who ran a red light. Totaled my dad's bike and left him with bruises, 3 broken ribs, and a seperated shoulder. He is fine but since then his shoulder has been messed up and nothing seems to be working.
When my dad first got into the accident the hospital he went to did some x-rays of his shoulder. They told him they could do surgery but they couldn't guarantee it would fix it. So he opted to not have the surgery. They never told him to go to a specialist. Then after a few months it wasn't better so he went back to the doctor and they told him he needed physical therapy. They wanted him to go five times a week. He went maybe 2 or 3 times a week because he told my mom it was too painful. If you know my dad he can handle pain so telling my mother it was too painful was saying alot. She told him she didn't think he needed physical therapy because she felt it was doing more harm than good on the shoulder.
He finally decided to go to another doctor and they sent him on to a shoulder specialist. All this doctor does is shoulders. He told my dad he should have had surgery 4 mos. ago and that his shoulder would never heal and the physical therapy was doing more harm than good. HMMM....interesting. Apparently the muscle in his arm was torn to shreds and it couldn't heal. There wasn't anything in there for the body to repair. It simply couldn't do it.
He told my father he would do the surgery and put a cadaver muscle in there and it would take 6mos to recover! So the surgery was scheduled.
The day of the surgery my father did everything he was suppose to do like not eating and such. They called my dad and told him the doctor was running behind and they didn't know when they would be able to get my dad in for his surgery. Now mind you, his surgery was scheduled for 11:30am. They had called and pushed it to 10:00am and then they called and said 10:30am and now they say they don't know when it will happen. He is a hypoglycemic and can't go without food for too long and he was already starting to get hungry AND irritable! Not a good combination. He told them this and they said he could come in and they could monitor him until the doctor was ready. He said he felt like a piece of meat. He said he wanted to reschedule and the nurses told him they would have to call the doctor and find out. My dad told them he would do that himself. The doctor called my dad back himself and told my dad he was waiting for this machine he would be using in the surgery so he wouldn't have to use a cadaver muscle. My dad told him to reschedule and the doctor said he only did surgeries on Fridays and he would let my dad know when he could fit him into the surgery schedule!
Ok, so that right there threw me into a tizzy. I'm thinking if you know you are going to be operating on a patient on a specific day wouldn't you have the machine there the day or two before so you wouldn't have to look like an idiot? we are starting off on the right foot, aren't we?
My dad had to go to the hospital prior to this first scheduled surgery and pre-register. He told the woman there he would have to have my mom in the recovery BEFORE he woke up because she is the only person he can hear and he is not such a nice person when coming out of being put to sleep. So the woman red flagged his chart all over the place to let them know this.
My dad even told the surgeon this and the surgeon said, "There won't be any need of that because the staff can handle it. If I let you back there then I would have to let everyone back there. I can't give you special treatment." Hmmm...OK, your choise there Doc!
So a week later the surgeon was able to get my dad in for this surgery. Now you must first know my dad is a VERY hard person to get to go to sleep. When he went to get his wisdom teeth out they gave him the highest dose a human can have without killing them and he still was not asleep! That tell you something? My dad has to get it in his mind to allow them to put him to sleep or it just isn't happening.
Day of surgery my dad goes in and they give my mom a pager to let her know when the surgery is over. She was out for a smoke and the pager hadn't gone off but when she got back to the waiting room the nurses were practically running to greet her. They told her they had been looking all over for her that she MUST come back to the recovery room. My mom said she thought, "Nope you said you could handle situations like this so go ahead, handle it!" Then she thought better.
My mom went with them and as soon as she got in the recovery room they were getting out the straps and were getting ready to strap him into the bed. That would have been their FIRST, maybe second, or third mistake??? My dad would have ruined what the doctor just spent an hour and a half repairing! He was fighting and he was fighting BIG time.
My mom told them to NOT do what they were doing and told them all to just BACK OFF. She got near him and got his attention and he looked at her and said, "You sure are pretty." She said she knew then he wasn't in the present! :)
She leaned in and said, " are in the year 2008 you need to repeat that back to me."
My dad looked at her and said, "Where are my men? Where is my rifle? I'm hurt, I have to help my men."
My mom said, " are not in the military. You are in the year 2008. Repeat this back to me."
He said, "Where is Gerard?" Gerard was one of my dad's men.
My mom said, "The last I knew he was living in Texas working as a lawyer and he is just fine."
My dad said, "I'm tired. I'm so tired of killing people. I don't want to kill anymore people."
My mom said, "You don't have to. You are here in 2008. You retired in 1987. This is the year 2008."
My mom was crying during this seeing my dad go thru this. I even started crying during her telling me this.
During all this time as she is holding him down and keeping him calm nurses are coming and going and keep trying to come up to my dad. As they are my mom puts up her hand and tells them to stop and not come near and asked what they needed. She would then tell my dad who they were and what they wanted. One time a nurse came up and went to take his blood pressure and he swung at her. He didn't know who she was and thought she was the "enemy". All he knew is that he was hurt and he needed to protect his men. He didn't know anything else.
The nurses just didn't understand you could NOT touch him. You could not go near him. He can kill a man with his bare hands and these nurses would not have been anything to him.
Then a doctor came in. He shuffled right up to my dad and my mom said my dad was scooting to get out of the bed. He looked right at this doctor and said, "I don't like that man." My mom said if looks could kill that doctor would have been dead. The doctor didn't even pay attention. My mom told him to STOP and to stay right where he was and the doctor said, "I'm Dr. Kenny and I came to see if he wants that block we talked about before he went to sleep." My mom tried asking him what block he was talking about and the doctor totally blew my mom off and wouldn't acknowledge her and was STILL trying to get near my dad. My mom kept telling him to BACK OFF all the while trying to keep my dad still. My dad at this point was fighting to get up to get away from this man or kill him we aren't sure which. Finally the doctor got upset enough and huffed off. My mom then asked to speak to the head of the hospital because that doctor was WRONG.
So here is another mistake. When you are just coming out of a sleep like that you are NOT awake by any means and this man is coming in and asking my dad to make a decision on his health care? Ummm.....can't make rational important decisions!! Don't they make you sign papers before going into surgery that warns you about making decisions like that and NOT to??? My dad was, in his mind, laying in a field in Vietnam hurt and looking for his rifle! HELLO!!!!!!
By the way, the head of the hospital was in a "meeting" and my mother was still waiting to hear from her when she called in the afternoon to let me know how he was doing!
My mom did hear one of the nurses say, "post traumatic" and then they got what was going on!
They finally were able to get my dad's blood pressure under control to move him into a room and then another nurse walked in and my mom stopped him. She asked his name and what he needed. He said his name was Mike and needed another blood pressure. My mom told him to give her the cuff and she would take it for him. So he did. SMART NURSE FINALLY! She took the blood pressure and let Mike know what it was. Mike said, "you passed the test." My dad looked at him and said, "She passed the test a long time ago." Then my mom had to explain to Mike she was an RN. Mike had to do some other things to my dad and my mom looked at dad and told him who Mike was and what he needed to do and my dad looked at mom and said, "2008?" My mom said, "Yes, 2008." She knew at that point he was back to where he needed to be and things were going to be fine.
Then the nurse who had written all over the charts for my mother to be there BEFORE my dad woke up came in to see my parents. My dad grabbed her hand and said, "Hi Kathy, nice to see you." She apologized so much to my mom. My mom told her it wasn't her fault and to not get upset. She did her job it's the other people who didn't listen.
This just infuriates me! I have had ONE doctor in my whole life tell me I'm the person who knows my family, children, and myself better than any doctor and doctors should listen more. HELLO! Why can't they all be like him? My dad AND my mother both told these people my mother needed to be in the room before my dad was to wake up and everyone chose to ignore their request.
I told mom I think they just hear so many stories they just blow most of the stories off but yet they shouldn't because there could be that one rare case where the people are really, truly serious about what they say! In this case they found out!
My mom works for hospice and she said when they first start a cancer patient out on morphine they give them .5mg of it. When my dad woke up he immediately started fighting them and they couldn't control him so they gave him 20mg of morphine and 10mg of toradol and the man was STILL coming out of the bed swinging and fighting them. Any "normal" person would have been sound asleep again but not him!
My mom said, "I still believe dynamite comes in small packages!"
The block the doctor wanted to give my dad? My mom asked my dad about it since the doctor wouldn't tell my mother! My dad said it was a shot they give in the neck into a certain nerve and it "blocks" the pain for 12-24hrs BUT it messes with your diaphram too and it can stop your breathing and kill you! My mom said, "Do you want that?" My dad said, "NO!" Could you imagine if my mom wasn't there? First of all Dr. Kenny wouldn't still be among the living and my dad would be back on the surgery table NEXT Friday to repair what the doctor had to repair!
My dad's shoulder was so bad the doctor still had to use a cadaver muscle because he couldn't save the other muscle. Now my dad's shoulder is immoblized for TWO MONTHS. Which is going to be very hard for him because he is HARD to keep down. The doctor said he should have 85% use of his shoulder once it's all done. Again, they don't know my dad. He had shattered his wrist one time and the surgeon told him 80-90% mobility in that wrist and he has 100% mobility. The doctor was totally amazed.
So, this should be a fun 2 mos. The doctor said he will be in an extreme amount of pain this weekend but if he can get thru this weekend it will be all down hill after that.
My mom is going to write a formal complaint against Dr. Kenny and she will also write about how the medical staff REALLY needs to listen to people when they tell them something. GO MOM!
Medical people really don't get it!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Abe Lincoln
My mom use to live here in Princeton, Mn and her house was a huge, old, beautiful home but it had it's spirits too.
We were actually sitting around just talking about "ghost"stories and we started talking about our gifts. She said she can see things and she has been able to talk to things as well. Just like standing or sitting in front of a person who is alive. I think I could do this if I truly wanted to but I won't allow myself to get that open. It's a little too much for my mind to handle, I think. I was telling her how I can tell someone if the spirit is male or female and usually an approximate age. I think at this time my mother was a little skeptical on this because if I can't SEE them then how do I really know.
I do believe she thought I could just sense a spirit. She knew I am a receiver because we have played many games without speaking and I usually win. :)
Anyway, on this particular day I told her I knew of a spirit around her home. She was like, ya right. I looked up at her and without missing a beat I said, "Like the Abe Lincoln man with the tall hat that walks around the premises?" Her jaw just dropped. She was totally shocked on the fact I knew this!
It was funny to see my mother shocked. Yet she admitted seeing Abe Lincoln walk by her kitchen window more than a few times. :)
Nice to know he has visited my mother's property.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
ouija board
tough woman
So off we went to check out her father's home.
I got there and it was a 2 story home. I could tell it was old but those old houses always intrigue me, haunted or not!
I like to walk the outside of the home because I can sometimes pick up where the energy is coming from. It points me in the right direction, per se.
This particular house was bringing me more upstairs but yet pulling me downstairs too. I just had to get inside!
We went inside and I was pulled towards the staircase. I was also pulled toward the formal dining room area. The woman who was communicating with me was a crabby woman who was NOT giving up information easily. I believe she was comfortable and she didn't want to be bothered. She was not so nice!
She brought me upstairs. When I read homes people are allowed to follow me but not allowed to talk to me unless I ask them a question. If I ask a question it must be in the shortest form possible. Just a simple answer. We can get lengthy after the reading and comparing what I got right and what I didn't.
I went into the room on my left. I went up to the window and I was frozen to this window. I looked outside and I was trying to communicate with this tough woman but she just stood in the window. I then left that room. I tried going into the other rooms but nothing was there. The room with the stain will still be a mystery because I found nothing wrong in that room.
I do believe something happened on the stairs though. Whether it be an accident I don't know. Whether someone was seriously hurt, I don't know. I just know something happened on that staircase and it involved the tough woman.
I then went back downstairs and tried talking to her in the formal dining area. She just wouldn't answer anything. She was very tight lipped. She wouldn't even tell me if this was her house or anything. I finally told my friend I wasn't going to get anywhere with this woman and I apologized. Sometimes things like that happen. Sometimes we just don't get anything.
My friend said the most significant thing about this reading was when I was in the bedroom by the window. I had told her while I was up there what this woman looked like. I said she was dressed in an old fashioned white dress and had brown hair and she wasn't really that old. Maybe in her 30's. My friend said it was almost like I was in a trance when I was telling her this. She said the other spooky thing was I was standing in the exact window and the exact same pose as the woman when other people have seen her there! Ok, so then I was freaked out! My friend said it was almost like I was that woman I was speaking of!
That's the story of the tough woman who wouldn't share her story!
suicide or homicide, that is the question
She said there was this case she had went on, her very first one actually, when she was an EMT. She said there were alot of questions to this case and she wanted to know if I could tell her some things about it. I told her it sounded like fun so off we went.
She drove me down this street and said it was one of these houses and she wanted to see if I could narrow it down for her. I told her to please stop the car and let me walk the street. So we got out and started walking. I usually pace, or so I have been told.
I narrowed it down to three houses and then two and then couldn't decide on either one. She finally told me I had done pretty well and one of the houses I had narrowed it down to was, indeed, the house.
She told me which house it was. I immediately knew WHY I was having trouble deciding on which house. The "spirit" was in the room on the side of the house which would have been in the middle of both houses.
I told her I needed to get up by that window. So we walked onto the property. Shouldn't have done that! I told her it was a man and he was young.
Well then a man walked out of the house! It was the current owner. My friend started talking to him and telling him what I was doing. He was fascinated and told us to come in and let him know what was going on. Ok, another thing you should NEVER do!
We walked in and I HAD to go to the right of the house toward the bedroom. The new owner said, "That's my son's room and he never wants to sleep in there." I told him this man who was in there wasn't a mean person but he was VERY VERY sad and depressed. I told them I saw him sitting up against a wall with a drink in his hand. I told them he had a white t-shirt on and it was full of blood on the front side. I told them there was something about the closet but I couldn't decide what that was. I told them the man was telling me he had died from the "drink". I'm assuming it was alcohol poisoning. My friend said that was wrong, he had hung himself and it wasn't in the bedroom. I was adamant this was WRONG. She asked how he was sitting and I told her with his knees slightly bent. She just kept quiet.
The owner of the house then did know a man had hung himself in this house, or supposedly hung himself.
The owner then told me to come to the basement. We proceeded down into the basement. We came down the steps and to my right was nothing but a wall and some insulation. I looked at the owner and said, "There were shelves here. Like big bookshelves. Where are they?" The owner about flipped and asked me how the hell I knew that? I told him the man who was communicating to me told me. The new owner was blown away.
My friend asked if I could locate where he was hanging. I told her no because he didn't die here. He did NOT hang himself. He died of alcohol poisoning and his girlfriend moved him or someone moved him to make it look like suicide. I said he was hurt and broken because of his girlfriend.
My friend then asked me if I could tell her what type of shoes he was wearing. I told her they were construction boots. They were untied. Sort of like the young kids wear with the bagging pants and the construction boots laced but untied so they flop around. Then she asked what type of pants. I told her he had cut off shorts with red boxers on. So the cut off shorts were too loose and they were showing the boxer shorts. She asked if he had a shirt on. I said he did upstairs with the blood on it from him throwing up blood but you didn't find it on him when you guys came to take him to the hospital. She was FLOORED. She said I had gotten everything correct.
She asked if I could get a name from him. I told her for some reason I have never been able to do that. I'm not sure why but I have always been wrong on that. She said his name was Scott.
She said when they came to get him they believed it to NOT be a suicide. His legs were bent in the wrong way. So like he had been moved from a sitting position to the place where they hung him. She said it was always a suspicious hanging but they could never prove otherwise.
I know of two other women who knew this man and his family. They remember when this all happened. They both told me the same story. The story is a man lived in the house with his girlfriend. There were drugs involved and yes lots of alcohol. They said his girlfriend had left him and he fell into a DEEP depression. The girlfriend would go over there and check on him from time to time because she was worried about him and his depression. They believe the girlfriend had found him but weren't quite sure or couldn't remember. Then called the ambulance and the EMTs came and got him.
So, what do I believe? I believe someone, whether it be his girlfriend or not came and checked on him. Found him in the closet or bedroom. Removed his shirt and moved him to the basement to make it look like a suicide. Why? I think because of the drugs. They may have been on drugs and thought noone would believe them and would be arrested? Who knows but they didn't want to take the chance so they made it look like he hung himself. They removed the shirt because of the blood. maybe thinking that someone would get suspicious? I don't honestly know.
All I know, for sure, is this man died in that bedroom and from alcohol posioning and a broken heart!
Old Granny House
I remember it was warmer days and my mom told me she wanted me to go see this house with her. She said it was just a cute little house that would be good as a starter house. It was right there in Carlisle so it was CLOSE and mom always likes that.
We walked over to the house and it WAS cute. It was blue and one level. That was nice. Cute and quaint. I walked unto the property and immediately felt strange. My mom was ahead of me already looking in the windows. I just couldn't bring myself to do this. I could NOT go and look in these windows! I walked around the side of the house and I was quite a ways from the window and the house. I was mustering up the courage to go look and see how cute it was inside.
I walked around to the back of the house and my mother was on the other side. I got the courage to look thru the back door into the mudroom. I put my face up against a window and there was a little old lady staring back at me and not too happy about me looking into the window. I FLEW back, ran towards my mother and screamed, "I know why this place won't sell it's HAUNTED!"
She just started laughing and laughing. I was telling her this was not funny at all. She said, "I was just testing you to see if you still had your skills." Oh what a HORRIBLE trick. I will never forget that.
I guess the story was this old lady lived in the house and she died right in the front room of the house and so people knew someone had died there so they wouldn't buy it.
I told my mother there would be NO way I would buy that house. Not for anything.
I guess I answered my mother's question on whether or not I still had "skill".
Earthquake bed
Was I freaked out? Really? No. I know that's strange but hey, everyone says I'm crazy!
So here I was thinking about the bed moving. It brought me back to my younger years. My VERY youthful years.
We traveled alot due to my father being in the Air Force so we had many houses we lived in so I can't say that it was one particular home or not.
I always had a hard time sleeping and still do. I can stay in bed FOREVER but that doesn't mean I'm actually sleeping. I like it because it's quiet and people leave me alone. Anyway, when I was little I would flip on my stomach, put my head in my pillow and start banging my head against the pillow. This would eventually put me sleep, or maybe I was knocking myself out, truly I don't know. When I look back on what I did I think I should have been committed right then. Yet my mother never knew I did that, or at least I don't think she did. I also sucked my thumb until I was a teenager and don't have ANY teeth or mouth problems!
So when I would do this banging of the head I would stop, wait, then start again. Sometimes it wouldn't work so I would flip back over and lay there with the blankets over my head and just wait. For what? Well whatever was going to happen.
Usually on these particular hard nights to get to sleep I would feel the bed move. I'm not talking just a bump. I'm talking Exorcist style moving. I would just lay there wondering what was going to come and get me. Thinking the worst. Yet, truly, I think I was doing this myself. Maybe it was the effect of banging my head? Seriously though, it would happen sometimes without me banging my head.
I know we lived on Guam for about 2yrs and I would have been 7-9yrs old during our stay. I know they have earthquakes all the time there so was it that? No, because it happened alot in Texas when we moved there. Strangely enough I don't remember it happening anymore after we moved from Maine. I was 11, I think, when we left Maine and moved to Mississippi.
Strangely enough I don't remember being able to "move" things anymore after that age either.
I, honestly, think I was moving my bed. Just like firestarter when she was frustrated? I was so frustrated I couldn't go to sleep that I started shaking my bed. The energy had to go somewhere and I couldn't kick my walls!
So, I wonder? Last night was I so frustrated with something I moved my bed? Alot of things have been happening here lately that are unexplainable. hmmm....I wonder.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Out of the mouth of babes
This is just TOO priceless. Someone sent this to my DH and then he sent it to me. Looks like it's from channelbee. Whoever it's from, it's awesome!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My baby is an adult now
I KNOW the last one is VERY hard to see but we will get better pics and I'm SURE Lea will get them up on her myspace.
One cool thing is that her Grandma Brinson still thinks she is getting the tiger butterfly tattoo. She has NO clue Lea has designed one just for her. So, if you talk with Grandma Brinson NO TELLING!
I now will tell you what this tattoo means.
1) The numeral two symbol is actually the sign of Gemini. That's my mother's zodiac sign
2) The pink ribbon is for breast cancer
3) The initials, CJB, are my mother's initials
4) The numeral two also symbolizes how many times my mother has beat breast cancer. TWICE!
We were going to put my mother's favorite flowers, lilacs, in the middle of it but the tattoo artist said it would just look like a big blob so Lea decided to leave those out.
So? How did she handle this? Well her leg was twitching at one point. Alyssa, Moria, and DJ were laughing because her boob started to twitch also. Lea says it HURTS! Today, October 7th, she is taking advil for the pain. :) She is handling it well though.
One other thing, she also got her nose pierced! She's a glutton for punishment!
This is a pic of her nose ring BUT she did take this one out and she put a tiny pink one in that is barely noticeable. Looks nice.
All in all her 18th was a good one, at least she says it was. She said hardly anyone noticed her nose ring but EVERYONE wanted to see her tattoo. She's proud of both things.
I can't believe she is 18 and an adult.
Golden Mom
Because some of my good friends own goldens and how can you NOT love a golden?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Empathy is the ability to read and understand people and be in-tune with or resonate with others, voluntarily or involuntarily of one's empath capacity.Empaths have the ability to scan another's psyche for thoughts and feelings or for past, present, and future life occurrences. Many empaths are unaware of how this actually works, and have long accepted that they were sensitive to others. (this is TOTALLY me)
Empaths Sense Deep EmotionsEmpathy is a feeling of another's true emotions to a point where an empath can relate to that person by sensing true feelings that run deeper than those portrayed on the surface. (I don't like to be touched because this is how it transfers to me)People commonly put on a show of expression. This is a learned trait of hiding authentic expression in an increasingly demanding society.An empath can sense the truth behind the cover and will act compassionately to help that person express him/herself, thus making them feel at ease and not so desperately alone.Empaths experience empathy towards family, children, friends, close associates, complete strangers, pets, plants and inanimate objects. Empathy is not held by time or space. Thus, an empath can feel the emotions of people and things at a distance. Some are empathic towards animals (ie: The Horse Whisperer), to nature, to the planetary system, to mechanical devices or to buildings etc. Others will have a combination of the above.
Empaths Have Deep Sense of KnowingEmpaths are highly sensitive. This is the term commonly used in describing one's abilities (sensitivity) to another's emotions and feelings. Empaths have a deep sense of knowing that accompanies empathy and are often compassionate, considerate, and understanding of others.There are also varying levels of strength in empaths which may be related to the individualĂs awareness of self, understanding of the powers of empathy, and/or the acceptance or non-acceptance of empathy by those associated with them, including family and peers. Generally, those who are empathic grow up with these tendencies and do not learn about them until later in life.
Empathy is InheritedEmpathy is genetic, inherent in our DNA, and passed from generation to generation.(Is that ever true!) It is studied both by traditional science and alternative healing practitioners.Empathy has both biological/genetic and spiritual aspects.Empaths often possess the ability to sense others on many different levels. From their position in observing what another is saying, feeling and thinking, they come to understand another. They can become very proficient at reading another personĂs body language and/or study intently the eye movements.(Eyes are the window to the soul) While this in itself is not empathy, it is a side-shoot that comes from being observant of others. In a sense, empaths have a complete communication package.
How Empathy WorksWhile there is much we don't yet understand about how empathy works, we do have some information. Everything has an energetic vibration or frequency and an empath is able to sense these vibrations and recognize even the subtlest changes undetectable to the naked eye or the five senses.Words of expression hold an energetic pattern that originates from the speaker. They have a specific meaning particular to the speaker. Behind that expression is a power or force-field, better known as energy. For example, hate often brings about an intense feeling that immediately accompanies the word. The word hate becomes strengthened with the speaker's feeling. It is that person's feelings (energy) that are picked up by empaths, whether the words are spoken, thought or just felt without verbal or bodily expression.
Ok, I'm starting to scare MYSELF
I am a member of cafemom and I am in alot of groups. I belong to a few paranormal groups on there. Alot of times people will post pics of haunted places, their own homes, themselves, etc.
I came across this picture and the FIRST thing I thought of was a mental institution. Criminally insane people lived here!
The thing is if the person posts with pictures I do NOT read the history or the post first. I want to see what I can pick up first and then compare what I see or feel to what others have picked up.
The insane were SCREAMING at me from this pic.
I went back to look up the history and here is what it said:
Historical Information: Ashmore Estates is a three floor building that was built in 1916. It has housed people who were indigent and those who had mental disabilities. From 1916 to around 1956 the building was the Coles County Almshouse located on the 200-300 acre Coles County Poor Farm. During that period as many as 100 people died in the building. From 1956 to 1976 it housed the "mentally impaired" as a mental institution. In 1976 Paul Swinford purchased the building and reworked it to be used as a ICFDD (Intermediate Care Facility for the Developmentally Disabled). The building remained in use until 1987 when it was closed due to lack of funding. 9 paranormal groups have visited here since July 2006. All have said the building is very active.
Ok, I now am scaring MYSELF!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Inez Tiny KoKoMo
This is a pretty interesting story, I think. I have told FEW people this story and it has brought tears to their eyes. Maybe it's just because they know me personally and they knew our precious KoKo but none the less I need to tell this story also.
The night before KoKo's crossing over I sat with him for a LONG time. I cried the entire time and he just looked at me with his soft eyes and listened to everything I had to say to him. I believe he really did understand everything I told him.
I was telling him how sorry I was that I had to make this decision but that I had made a promise to him to not suffer and he was telling me by not eating it was time to let go. I also told him that we would be getting another puppy and I know that he knew we were. I told him that we would more than likely get a sheppie puppy and to guide us to the right puppy. I was looking at traveling to Chicago for a shepherd puppy! I told him that when he did lead us to that puppy to help us name him also. I said I had faith in him that he would do this for us and I would make sure I was listening to everything that came our way.
Well, after KoKo crossed over I did my own healing by writing his story to put in his box, which is like nine pages long and I also made the video of him which is on this blog. That was the way I healed. Cried and cried and cried. Yet I KNEW I wanted a puppy.
I KNEW that this puppy would NEVER EVER replace KoKo because, to be honest, no dog will ever be able to walk in his paws! Yet I just felt I needed another puppy. I had Sasha but I wanted a sheppie pup. I HAD to have a sheppie pup.
A few days after KoKo crossed over I fell ill to a HORRIBLE bladder infection. I actually was bleeding it was so bad. I also fell ill to one of the WORST migraines I have had since I was diagnosed with them. It was just horrible. I could barely walk into the doctor's office! So I was confined to bed for a day or so and it made me think. Think of how selfish I was being on wanting to get a sheppie puppy. My dear hubby said that he didn't want a shepherd. They are too hyper and they get big QUICKLY. He said he liked having the little dogs in the house. Yet because I wanted a sheppie he was going to let me go to Chicago and get that puppy I so wanted. I thought how selfish this was because my dear hubby isn't strong enough to handle a big dog anymore. With his RA he isn't capable. Heck with the small dogs they pull and hurt him, let alone a BIG dog. People kept giving me grief saying that I'm a dog trainer I shouldn't have a dog that pulls. Ya, they will eventually learn this but until then my honey can't handle the dog? I don't think that is right.
So, after I could get up from bed I decided to go in search of another cavalier(cavvy). My hubby and I looked at the four different colors and he wanted another blanheim like Sasha but I told him I wanted a different one. The only one that I really really liked was a tri. So I found someone that was selling a girl and boy tri puppy.
We set up a meeting and went and looked at them. I didn't like the little boy at all. He was too timid for me and what I wanted. The little girl was nice enough but I wanted a BOY! I was sitting there trying to figure out how to tell the breeder I didn't want this little boy. We sat there for 2hrs talking to her. She finally said that she had a "special" little boy who she was thinking about keeping because he was "special". She said I sounded like the right family for him and she felt comfortable letting me meet him. She said his name was Tiny Boy. I was ready for this. She brought him upstairs, put him down on the ground, and I patted the floor and he spotted me, ran as fast as he could, and landed in my lap! I KNEW this was the boy I was taking home. He was older by a month than the ones I was looking at but they were twice his size. He was only 2lbs and he was 3mos old. Dr. I.(my favorite vet) was his vet and he had looked him over and there wasn't anything wrong with him at all. We took him home.
Well, we didn't take him straight home we took him straight to Dr. I. He said, "Oh, who do we have here?" I told him who the puppy was and the breeder and everyone just flocked to him because EVERYONE in the clinic knew little Tiny Boy! They were SO happy that I was chosen for him.
We were sitting in the room waiting to get a look over and my one friend who works at the clinic said you should name him Mo. He has a little mohawk on his head so that's why she thought of that name. I said, "Oh that's a dumb name!" My hubby was in the room too and he said ever so quietly, "Kokamo". I said, "YES, that's it! K-o-k-o-m-o". My hubby said that he didn't want to do Koko he wanted the koka. I told him NO because it was perfect because of our boy KoKo. We all agreed that this was his name. Yet I wanted him to still have tiny in his name because the breeder really did like this little boy and he was special to her. So his AKC name is: Inez(after the breeding kennel) Tiny(from the breeder) KoKoMo. What do we call him? MoMo or Mo for short. Funny now that I look back and said what a DUMB name that was!
We were happy with our little man and he is "special". He developed VERY slow. Dr. I. said if he got to 10lbs we would be lucky. I weighed him in Sept. and he was 10.5lbs! He is now a year old! He is VERY tiny for his breed, especially being a male. His obedience future? Well, we will see.
One day, a few months after we had gotten him, my eldest daughter looked down and said, "Mom, MoMo has a heart on his butt, did you ever notice that?" It struck me right then and there this was a sign from KoKo letting us know this was the puppy he had led us to. It was his "sign of approval" so to speak.
KoKo led me to be sick to realize I was being selfish and needed to get a small dog for daddy.
KoKo led us to this breeder who had a special little boy
KoKo let the breeder realize that we were the right family for Tiny Boy
KoKo whispered in his daddy's ear the perfect name for this little boy
KoKo signed Mo with a heart signature!
That heart stayed on MoMo's butt(back) for a few weeks. Now it looks like a bird, you know the kind that you draw that looks like an "m"? So I seem to think it's still KoKo letting us know that indeed we listened and we listened well for him to lead us to our Inez Tiny KoKoMo.
Inez Tiny KoKoMo
Little Man
Tiny Boy
KoKoMo Joe