We are going to be moving. My son actually is buying a house and we are just so excited about this. It's a rambler house which is going to be nice for hubby since he has RA and the stairs are just getting more and more difficult for him. :( All one level living. That's a MAJOR plus.
This move is going to be bringing changes in our lives and it's a little scary. Our 2 daughters and our grandson are going to have to get a place of their own because we aren't moving the whole family in with our son. The goal is to have the girls find their own homes and my hubby and I will live with our son for at least 3 years. We are going to have to rehome some of the animals, which is hard, but again it's a new chapter in our lives.
I also have taken an extended leave of absence from my work do to a break down. I am now seeing a counselor and so far I have learned:
1) I don't get enough solid sleep. I may be in bed alot but I don't sleep. I get too much interrupted sleep and so it doesn't allow my brain to rest.
2) I need to start learning to meditate. Well, that's not what they are calling it but it seems like that to me. I don't want to do this because then I start "seeing" more spirits but I can't very well tell the counselor that. LOL
3) I need to take a long hot bath, and do my breathing, at least every other day. Don't worry I actually take showers too when I'm not taking a bath so I'm staying clean. LOL. :)
4) I need to learn to say NO.
5) My children rule me. Gee, there's a shock.
6) I have been abused. I guess mentally. I don't remember any physical abuse. Again, no shock there I know that I have been. Now I just have to learn to "get over it"
7) Due to not sleeping the way I should my brain over thinks and goes to the "scary" places I worry about. So, the 2012 thing is driving me batty. So, when my brain gets fixated on this I must get up and do something else, like maybe exercise.
I'm sure there are some more things but I just don't remember.
Because I was a young mother and didn't party too much, and really never have been a big party person, I'm doing more of that. NO, I don't drink or anything but I have a new band I LOVE LOVE LOVE and every chance I get I go and see them play. I have also been to more concerts than I have ever been to and it's just WONDERFUL! I'm sort of doing the partying thing and it's pretty cool. I have often thought of sampling that beer, whine, wine cooler, here lately to see if I'm still allergic but just the thought of the consequence is not something I want to deal with. :)
I'm scared for my girls. Scared to move, but excited all at the same time. Scared to rehome some of my animals. Yet the fear is exciting to me. I know I'm strange.
Once my conseling is over, if it ever gets over, I will have to decide if going back to work is in my future. I have SERIOUSLY been considering getting paid for my "gift" but I still have a thing about that. Although there are so many gifted people like me and they are getting paid and still able to give what people want. So, I'm torn. Maybe I'm just getting more comfortable and confident in my abilities. Yes, I still get things wrong but I AM human, after all. :)
So, I'm accepting my new chapter of life. Bring it on, baby!