Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Family united

Today, 7/10/12, I was blessed with meeting a very beautiful family.  I had a reading for a woman and her whole family showed up.  :)   It was so nice to see a family that is truly united and close to one another.   During these times it's really hard to find families like this one.   It did my heart good, I really do feel blessed in meeting them.  
I feel like I didn't give them everything they wanted though.   I don't know if it was because there were too many people there?   I felt like I couldn't focus on just one person.  I was being drawn in so many directions!  I don't think I answered all their questions either but like my manager says you have some good days and you have some bad days.   
I do know the family is having a great celebration soon and I hope it works out for them and I hope all their dreams are met.   I hope whatever "demons" they are holding on to will soon let go.   They deserve happiness. 
This is a family which makes you happy just coming into contact with them.   They are beautiful inside and out! 
I also was able to "read" the house and it was interesting.   Most of the "spirits" in the home were the familie's loved ones.   There was a woman who wasn't a loved one but she considered herself to be one of the childrens mother.   He reminded her of her son.  
I just can't tell you how much I truly loved this family and their GORGEOUS home!    I wish I could have given them that "earth shattering" proof and answer they were looking for but I feel I failed them on that.
 Stay strong, stay united, and never let anyone or anything get in between that!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Am I trying too hard?

A woman on facebook shared a picture of a rescue dog who slipped her collar in Brooklyn Park on July 5, 2012.    I asked for some pictures and began getting things right away from this dog.   
I contacted the woman and told her where I thought she should look.  I was on the phone with her and I was able to tell her where things were and where I believed the dog, Rosie, was or had been.  I was on the phone with her for about an hour and a half. 
The next time I spoke with the woman I was on the phone for 3 1/2hrs!   I was telling her things that her search party and her hadn't even spotted yet.   I could see their headlights and their flashlights but they just couldn't find her.  
They have had people out there today, July 9th, 2012, in the same area and still no sign of Rosie. 
Has Rosie passed on and she was showing places she had been before she passed?   Is she really alive but now moved to a different part of the city?   
How could I know what some of these things were if Rosie wasn't showing me?   It couldn't have been the woman on the phone because some of the things I was describing she hadn't even found yet!!! 
I'm still wondering if she is in the lumber yard by where they were looking last night, July 8th, 2012?    I keep getting the lumber yard.   
It's SO frustrating at times because I can ALWAYS see where they have been but I'm not always accurate on if they are still there or not. 
I have a paid reading tomorrow and I'm trying to clear my mind so I can concentrate on that one.   Since I'm getting paid I want to get some good results.
I'm just praying they will find Rosie ALIVE!  
I feel I have failed.    I guess it's true that you can't win them all but it is VERY frustrating when so many people are counting on you.  :(

Monday, June 25, 2012

Animal communication

Animal communication is a new thing for me.  I have been dabbling in it for about a year now.   I have read dogs, cats, and even horses!    It has been quite interesting.  
I had went to an animal communcation class many many years ago but was accused of bringing spirits to this person's home because I carry them around in my back pocket!   No, I think the spirits were there before I arrived!   Needless to say she was always trying to get "inside" my head so I didn't finish the class.   While I was there though I did learn to communicate and realized it was something I wanted to dabble in.
I have made this INCREDIBLE friend and now I call her my manager.  She has led me to several animals to communicate with and I'm enjoying every minute of it!   
I have learned that dogs do have a tiny attention span and their minds are everywhere!   I also like to hear all the different voices they have.  I have one "client" who sounds like a munchkin.  I LOVE talking with him.  
I have found there are ALOT of people who want me to communicate with their animals and I think this is truly amazing and never thought I could be this popular.  :)    I just hope I can answer the questions people want to ask and I hope I can give them what they feel they need. 
I still can do human and house readings and I hope to do more of that but for now the animal communication is going well and I thank the Man above for blessing me with this gift. 

New adventures

I had struggled for a long time whether or not I should charge for my readings that I do.  
MANY friends said I needed to and my hubby keeps thinking I will make us rich!  HA! 
I prayed on it and prayed on it and I finally decided I would start charging.   My friends keep telling me I need to charge more but I just can't bring myself to do that.  I think when the time feels right I may do what they keep telling me but for now I'm not comfortable charging alot. 
So what do I charge?  I charge $30.00 an hour.  Most people with my "gift" charge $1.00-2.00 a minute.    I guess when I tell people this it leaves it open to give me what they feel their reading was worth to them.  
I want people to be happy with their readings and I don't like to disappoint.   I know I am human and I can err but I just hate when I do.
I have three people wanting to use my "talent" and I'm very excited in these new adventures.   I hope I can live up to the standards I am putting on myself. 
Here's to many happy readings!