Saturday, February 28, 2009

Remodeled house

The same friend who has a boy following her decided she wanted me to read a house for her friend. That friend was her boss. He had a very nice home and it was about 5minutes from my friend's house so we trekked on over to take a visit.

They had a little boy and I asked if the little boy could PLEASE be out of the house. I'm very picky about not having children in the home when I read. So her boss took the son outside and left his wife to stay and talk and ask questions.

The minute I walked into this house I was totally confused. I have never felt so completely confused in all my life! I knew I was dealing with a younger tall man. He walked into his home and just was completely blown away and didn't understand what had happened. He was turning me around in circles like he was trying to gather composure to point me in the right direction.

Now the woman of the home wanted to talk, and talk, and talk. I told her she MUST be quiet so I can do what she wanted me to do. I told her I would ask her questions but she must keep them short and sweet. So, she ended up whispering to my friend the WHOLE time. Ok, future note to people who want readings done, SHUT UP! :)~

The man finally pulled me upstairs. Right where the front door was we could go up the stairs to the 2nd floor and he was pulling me to the right of the stairs. At the top of the stairs was a bathroom which he said should not be there, or it had to be bigger, it was too tiny. He took me to the master bedroom and to the bathroom. He looked at the bathroom from the doorway and said, "Why is this here? It's a BEDROOM! The window should be right there!" He pointed to the wall and there was NO window! He was shaking his head in utter confusion. I asked the woman if this bathroom had always been a bathroom. She said she didn't know for sure. I told her he was telling me it was suppose to be a bedroom. There was suppose to be FOUR bedrooms. There were only 3 now. We then went downstairs and he was taking me to the basement. He was saying everything was wrong down there also because he was suppose to have a tool desk and tools all over. He was showing me some hunting guns too but I'm not good with guns so I wasn't going to name them to this woman owner. He was really upset because none of his tools were around.

Then he took me to the main level and took me to the garage door, which had been moved also and the stairs which were by the garage door were all wrong. He said it was just not where it should be.

Then he took me to the front door. He said we should go out the front door and then straight out onto the deck and then straight down stairs. NOPE. Opened the front door and we had to turn left to go down the stairs. The stairs were NOT right in front of us like he thought. He was so upset and confused.

I could not shake the confusion at all the entire time I read this house. I can't tell you how many times I said I was confused and I didn't understand what I was getting.

The woman owner said she knew the house had some remodeling done to it but she didn't know the extent of it. She went into the kitchen and had us all sit down and she pulled out the ORIGINAL blueprints of the house.

These were AMAZING to me. It validated SO much and made me really freak because I was so right. I don't like to brag but for someone to validate with blueprints? EUREKA! :)

The house was a FOUR bedroom house. The bathroom now was suppose to be a bedroom and the window was exactly where "he" said it should be.

The front of the house showed a porch where the stairs were directly in front of the front door just like "he" had said.

The garage door was moved over a bit.

Everything "he" had told me was accurate. This was his confusion. This was not the way the house should have been.

The man also showed me he hung himself out the garage door.

The woman asked me if I saw taxidermy things or lots of animals when he was talking to me. I told her I didn't see anything like that but that didn't mean anything. She said he supposedly had ALOT of this because he was a big hunter. Maybe this was the tools he had showed me?? She also said the neighbors had told her there was an ambulance that had come and taken the man away. She never could get anything from the neighbors but she had felt it was something very bad and that the man might have committed suicide. She thought it might have been with one of his guns because he was a hunter. I told her I seriously didn't think so. I believed it was from hanging. I don't think she believed me because I truly think she wanted it to be a shooting suicide because it makes a better story.

This house was a great reading for me because it validated so much and made me believe just a little bit more in myself.

Blonde haired boy

My friend whom I had talked about earlier from the pet rescue decided she needed to split from her boyfriend and move to a place closer to where she worked so she moved about an hour away from her Elk River home.

She asked if I would come to this new house and make sure there wasn't anything there either. So, I did.

There was this little boy again from the Elk River house. I have decided for some reason this little boy is attached to this woman for some reason. We haven't quite figured it out but she thinks it has something to do with the autistic children she helps.

This little boy was outside the home first playing by the front door with his little red fire truck he holds. He was very happy outside and really loved the new house. When we went inside he was downstairs in the finished basement in where the water heater was. So what's up with the water heater? I don't know!

He almost seemed frightened and the water heater was his "safe" closed in place. I truly think he is abused and he is scared of his daddy.

This time he was dressed in pj's. Sort of like the ones which look like long johns/underwear? He is very happy with this woman and likes her alot.

I would say he is about 5-6yrs of age. He is very blonde headed and very fair skinned. Just a cute little guy.

I then went upstairs and I was telling her about a girl that was there and she had cooked on the stove and which bedroom she was in. The odd thing about this is my friend KNEW this girl and this girl was still alive! I guess I can pick up the "residue" living people leave behind when they visit places. This girl had stayed at my friend's home about a week before my reading.

So I don't know who this little boy is but I do know he is attached to my friend in some way. I almost have thought it was her child. A child she may have lost in pregnancy or a child she had given up? I don't recall if I ever brought this up to her or not. She had no children and I don't know why but I honestly believe he is HER child in some way.

Strange, no?

First time for everything

A person I used to work with in my rescue wanted me to come to her house and see if I got anything at all from it. I told her I would. She use to live in Elk River and then she moved about an hour away but before she left the Elk River house I did a reading on it.

There was a little blonde haired boy she had in her basement. He was in by the water heater area. More about him in another post soon!

I went upstairs and I kept getting pulled into the garage. The pulling was so strong I had to open the garage and there sat an old car. I can't remember the make now but it was like a GTO or charger car. Of course, I could be totally wrong because I'm not one that knows alot about cars.

This car was talking to me. She(and why are they always referred to as "shes"?)was telling me she had a teenage driver as an owner. This teenager of the car started talking to me about how awesome this car was. He felt so cool in this car. He was like one of those 50 kids? He said he loved how the car made him feel. It was his very first car and he worked hard to get that car. I guess the car was originally from Cali. My friend told me later after the reading her boyfriend was trying to find where the car was made and had traced it as far back to Cali. Ok, so how the heck would I know that?

I had NEVER had an object "talk" to me. Then I went inside and another object spoke to me.
The piano!

The piano said it was feeling sad because it was never played anymore and it loved to be played. It showed me back in the 20's when they are in the speakeasy's and the piano player is so happy? I'm sure you have seen it in the movies! That's how this piano was communicating. It wanted to tell my friend when her dad came around he MUST play the piano. If a piano could smile this piano was smiling remembering the times it was played.

Then I went upstairs and I started looking out a window. I felt like I was the woman of the house. She told me how happy she was and she showed me her family and her husband. I guess they were farmers. She seemed happy but the house was different she said. This was because the house that was on the land now was a newer house and she was remembering the house that USE to be there. I don't know if my friend ever found out about the farmers or if there was a house on that land but it was still cool to talk with the woman.

So, my very first reading of "objects" in a house was pretty cool and pretty exciting because I was right about the car!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I carry ghost around in my back pockets

When I was in the rescue I had decided I would like to dabble in communicating with the animals. Since we got so many animals in and we didn't know the backgrounds I thought it would be nice if I could get some type of information out of the animal themselves, so I signed up for a communication course. It was 2 days long and I asked one of my friends at that time if they would go with me. She was curious also but didn't have any special "gift" of her own but thought it would fun to watch other people.

The course was in the cities at a well-known communicator here in the Twin Cities house. We didn't hold the class in her home but we held it in a spirit shack in the backyard. We could go into the house to use the facilities, eat, drink, etc. When we first pulled up we had to go into the house so we knew where to go for the class. As soon as I walked in I felt very uncomfortable. I was met by an older woman. A ghost woman. She reminded me of Sara Lee but alot meaner.

The class was brought out to the spirit shack and we began to do some exercises. I knew alot of the people who were there by their reputations(businesses and rescues). We had an exercise we had to do and one of the exercises was to sit in front of each other with our eyes shut and visualize what this other person was thinking. So one person was thinking and the other was trying to "see" what they were thinking. It was actually quite interesting that alot of us got things and how accurate we were. We all had to tell what we "saw". One woman was talking about how she saw the hostess' house and smoke coming from the top of it. Then she saw spirits coming from the smoke. She said it was almost like it was haunted. I was just sitting there shaking my head because how true this was. The hostess then wanted to know what I had seen but the instructor said we must talk after class.

After class the hostess came up to me and immediately was coming into my space. First of all you MUST respect other people's space and as a communicator you REALLY should know that rule! The other thing is she was trying her damnest to get into my mind. I build brick walls when I think someone is trying to get in my mind when I don't want them to. I think this really pissed her off. I'm not a very social person so what makes anyone think they could get in my mind if I'm not typically socialable and talking about myself?

She asked what I meant by the house was haunted. I told her I had been greeted by a woman who looked like Sara Lee but not as nice. She said that was impossible because she had had a paranormal group come to her house not to long ago and they rid her house of a young blonde female. I told her they must have forgotten one because this woman was still around.

She was furious. She accused me of carrying around ghosts in my back pocket and depositing them into people's homes. Hmmm...NOT. WHY would I even want to do that? I could see if I was part of a paranormal group and wanted some extra work BUT I'm not part of a paranormal group and the readings I do for people are FREE. I don't get paid for the services and I don't ever expect anything in return. It's just something I like to do and I continue to amaze myself with each reading.

She just wouldn't believe she had this woman ghost in her home. Yet, her home was part of an Indian ground so whose to say that ghosts are coming and going all the time! Even the woman read that from her when we had our little "reading" session.

I told my friend that I wouldn't be going back the next day because I didn't like to be accused of carrying ghosts around in my pocket and I didn't like the fact she was trying to invade my mind! I have NEVER ever recommended her to anyone but I don't tell many people my story either. They have asked how I know her and I simply tell them I took a class at her home one time.

So, I guess, because I have nothing better to do with my time I gather ghost and stick them in my back pockets looking for a home to deposit them in!

Dead woman walking

My mom has been a nurse for about 25yrs now. She first started out being a LPN and then she saved enough money to go back to college and get her RN degree. :) I'm very proud of her for doing this because she wasn't a spring chicken but she proved no matter how old you are you CAN go back to school and learn new things. She was already a grandma when she went back to be a RN.

I can't remember where exactly this particular short story took place but I believe it was in Iowa so she would have just finished her RN and was working in a nursing home.

My mom loves old people and she loves working in the nursing homes because some of them aren't so great and she wants to bring a smile to the elderly. She use to get in trouble for spending too much time with her patients which irritated her because she felt if she ever is in a nursing home she would want a nurse exactly like her! I can't tell you how many times she just sat with a dying patient just so they wouldn't die alone. That's a damn fine nurse, although I AM prejudiced. :)

Well mom was working one day in this 2 story, or maybe it was 3 story I really don't remember, nursing home. She had just gotten off on the 2nd floor and saw a patient walking down the hallway. The woman raised her hand and waved at my mom. Mom, of course, put on her smile and waved back at the woman and then went on to take care of the patients she had to for that floor.

After taking care of those patients she went back down to the 1st level and was talking with another nurse and how she had just saw Mrs. So-and-so and how she had waved back to her. That nurse looked at her and asked it was who my mom had seen again. My mom said, "You know, Mrs. so-and -so on the 2nd floor?" The nurse looked at my mom and simply said, "You must have been mistaken. Mrs so-and-so died last night." My mom just looked at the other nurse, shrugged her shoulders, and said, "Yep, I must have been mistaken."

My mother knew she wasn't mistaken but she will never forget that Mrs. so-and-so took the time to wave good-bye to her.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Going thru mom to get to me

This is a very odd story, I think, but I will do my best to try and tell it.

I don't remember the year but I do remember my mother was still living here in Mn. She had a friend whose daughter had bought a house. Nice, beautiful, old style house. My mother's friend was worried about this house though.

My mother had been feeling strangely. She couldn't quite tell me what it was all about. She said she just didn't feel herself and she didn't really know what to do about it. She said she would just cry at odd times. My mother is NOT a cryer. She said she felt depressed. My mother is NOT a depressed person. So this WAS quite strange for her.

This had been going on for about a month or so. I finally was on the phone with her one night, as usual, and I told her we were going to get to the bottom of this, PERIOD! So I started talking to her. At first I saw a big round man sort of like Chris Farley. She said she didn't know who that was but didn't recall knowing anyone like that. I now think it was my Uncle whom she doesn't talk to anymore but that's a whole other story. :)

So then we started talking about her friends' kids' house. I told my mom I was visualizing this house and let me tell her what I think it looks like. I told her if you go into the house and go straight down the hallway you will go out the kitchen and down two steps. Like walk out the door and go step, step and you would be in the back yard. So from the front door all the way down the hallway thru the kitchen to the back door. I told her I saw a young man who looks like Matthew McConaughey walking down the stairs and turning right to get to the hallway to go thru the kitchen. I also told her I saw a window upstairs that looked like a veranda. My mother was VERY quiet and I asked her if I was in any way right. She said, "Yes", I was right on. Yet she was crying. I was talking about this house and she was crying. I asked her what was wrong with her and she said she had no idea why she was crying. I told her that somehow her sadness she had been dealing with was because of this house. She MUST ask her friend for me to come and look at this house and see what I get. The thing was my mother had been helping redecorate this house for about a month!

So my mother asked her friend if I could come and read the house. This friend said she would love for me to because she was worried about the baby's room. The room her daughter had picked out for the baby(who wasn't born yet) was giving her a strange feeling and she wanted to know that her grandbaby was going to be OK in this house and this room. She also knew a little bit about the house and wanted to see if I could pick up on something.

So the day was set and we went over there. The house was pretty torn up because of the remodeling but we managed. I went into the house and sure enough from the front door I could look down the hallway and see straight into the kitchen AND on my right side was the staircase. So Matthew would have had to make a right to get to the hallway and out the kitchen! If you turned left you went into the living room and then there was like another room there. I told my friend EXACTLY where a fireplace use to be. She was fascinated that I would have known that because there was no longer evidence of a fireplace! Yet I didn't pick up on the man who had died in the room with the fireplace.

The fun started when we went upstairs. It was one of those scary staircases that turns as you are going up? We entered the small hallway up there and I immediately felt drawn to the right. I was brought to a bathroom. In that bathroom was a crabby old man who did NOT want to be bothered. I decided to leave him alone. I then walked into what would be the baby's room and I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness. I decided I didn't want to read that room at that time so I moved on. We went to the last biggest bedroom and there was the veranda. There was a little old lady in a rocker sitting there. She was the "grandma" and she was gentle and kind. I told my mom's friend the grandmother was fine and Matthew was fine and the crabby old man would be fine too as long as they left him alone. :)

I went back into the baby's room. I stood by one of the windows and I was just so very sad. I told my mom's friend that everything would be fine. This is a great room for a baby. The baby would be watched over greatly. There was a pregnant mom in this room. She was about 15-16yrs old. She was being "hidden" from society because of the "sin" she had done. She was so sad because noone knew where she was at and she had to live with what she had done. She was just so lonely. She was very happy to have a baby come to stay with her.

I believe this was a family of ghosts and that the young teenage mom was their granddaughter. The crabby granddad was just your typical gruff old man. Not sure who Matthew was but he was somehow part of the family.

My mom's friend was so relieved and she was happy that it was a mother in that room. She said she had felt so much sadness in that room that she was worried something bad was in there.

After I read this house my mother went back to feeling herself again. We truly believe the teenage mom was somehow giving my mom her sadness so she would get to me so I could read that house and tell her story. She just wanted someone to know she WAS there and not to be lonely anymore.

The baby to be was a little girl and she stayed in that room. I have been back to that room once more and there is happiness and peace in that room. The little girl is a precious little girl and now has a brother. :)

The way the paranormal works still astounds me.

Strange phone call

Back in 2001 I had a falling out with the friend who had me read 3 houses for her. It was a huge misunderstanding and she just went off. She did some really awful things to my family, but I just turned the other cheek and went on with my life. In a way one thing she did to us opened my eyes and changed me a little. For the good.

So when I received this phone call from a man named Tom, I think that was his name it WAS 8yrs ago now, asking to call him because he had gotten my name from someone because I had a "gift" I was a little suspicious about it.

I called him back and asked him to tell me who he got my name from. He said this woman's name and I knew then that this must be some type of set up? I never personally talked with him though.

He had said he was setting up a paranormal society, which I have ALWAYS wanted to be part of, and he had gotten my name from this woman because she was telling him of the gift I had. He said he had a gift also but it wasn't quite like mine. He wanted to gather different people with different gifts to start this paranormal group.

I talked it over with my hubby and told him I would LOVE to do this! Yet I couldn't figure out WHY this woman would have mentioned me if she hated me as much as she did and did what she did to my family! What's the catch? You know? My hubby was extremely worried and had a bad feeling and told me to just push it to the wayside and not even bother calling the man back.

I regret that decision now. I wish I would have called him back and had my hubby AND myself talk to him. Hind sight, I tell ya!

So, if that man ever reads this blog, CONTACT me. :)

Indian girl and small boy

The woman who I read the first EMT call she went on and her father's house had another house she wanted me to read so one night we decided to go visit.

This woman had a small child and I told her I wouldn't read her house if her child was home because I just feel they are too vunerable and I don't know what I may conjure up in a reading.

This person believed she had a ghost that was following her, sometimes in her car, because she had counseled this woman and she felt she was haunting her. I didn't get that at all. What I did get was quite interesting though.

She lives right by the Sherburne National Wildlife and in her field I picked up a little Indian girl. This little girl was VERY happy. She was frolicking in the field. Had a long white dress on. Sort of like the ones the girls wore on Little House on the Prairie. She had long brown hair that was flowing. She was very happy. I was actually glad to see this, rather than a sad ghost.

Yet in the house is where I didn't like the feel. I went downstairs and felt a little boy. One who was very sad. The woman who lived there said she did hear crying sounds coming from the one room at times. I told her this little boy was actually abused, in a very bad way. He was locked in a freezer. You know the freezers that you would put meat and stuff in? Those old time ones? He was crying and saying that he didn't deserve to be in there. I would say he was probably about 5-6yrs old. I can't tell you from what era he was from but I do know that his daddy was not very nice to him at all.

The weird thing? After we toured the house we went into the field, where I saw the little girl? In that field WAY in the back was a freezer, you know the type? I asked the woman how long it had been there and she said every since she lived there. She said she didn't even know where it came from.

I was not allowed to speak of this to anyone because she has a business of her own and I couldn't say where the location of this home was. She's got history there.

Yet, I never saw the woman who she thought was "haunting" her.

Dad, Mom, and my visit

Well the good news is that dad is well. He has 70% use of his arm/shoulder now. He has stopped physical therapy and he is back to a full time job. Which my mother is EXTREMELY happy about. ;)

Mom has received a promotion in her job working in hospice. She said it's kicking her butt but she is going to stick to it. It's more hours and more money. She says she likes more money but hates more hours. Plus she really doesn't like all the paperwork but for the money she is going to try it for a month to give it her best shot. If she doesn't like it she will go back down to prn(as needed). She thought she was going to retire this year in June but she says that doesn't look like it's going to happen. :( Poor mom.

The week of Thanksgiving I went to my parents' home in southern Illinois. I HAD to get away. I was having ALOT of mental issues and just needed some time to relax and get my head on straight again. I stayed until after New Year's. It was so awesome!

Mom and dad are nonjudgemental and that's what I needed. Someone who would just listen and NOT judge my mind, which often times is quite strange. :)~

My biggest problem was I was not happy with my eldest daughter and I didn't know how to "get straight" with her. My other problem is the end of the world. The great catastrophe that is going to occur in 2012 and the end of the world in 2030something. I think it's 2032.

My mom told me my biggest thing after listening to me ramble was I needed to just stop arguing with my kids. She said I let things bother me way too much and to just walk away. If I know it's going to lead to an agrument I must just walk away. If the person who is arguing with me is following me and pecking at my heels I must just ignore or turn around and simple say, "I'm not arguing with you." Then turn and leave. Believe it or not, no matter how simple that sounds it WORKS. I have walked away from SO many arguments since I have been home. My eldest daughter and I have been getting along rather well(knock on wood...knock...knock).

The end of the world issue was a little bit harder for my mom and I to discuss. She believes it's all just plain nonsense but yet she knows in my mind and heart it's VERY real to me. She didn't judge she said that it's just two different opinions but we could still talk about it. So I let it all out. How I KNOW I'm saved and I KNOW I will go to heaven when he comes "as a theif in the night". I know everything will be ok with me because I will be up in heaven and won't have to go thru the Tribulation. Yet I have terrible feelings about this. I get panicky, I cry, I get angry, every type of emotion, bad emotion, you can think of. She said she believes it's because I'm scared of the unknown that is the biggest issue. The other issue is that I worry about my family. My hubby won't be saved because he doesn't believe and my eldest daughter won't be saved because she doesn't believe either. My mother believes that is something that is bothering me because they will have to go thru the Tribulation and that is what scares me. She also says I'm scared of death. Even though I KNOW I will go to heaven I'm still terrified of the whole death issue. So HOW the heck do you get over that? Faith, pure faith. I have been trying to do this and it's hard, very hard. I guess noone said it was going to be easy. This is something my parents can't help me with but they sure can listen and that helps. I didn't hear my mother say, "Well you just worry too much and it's a bunch of phooey." She accepted how I felt and listened. Even though she DOES think I worry too much and she DOES think it's a bunch of phooey she didn't throw that in my face.

While I was there I was able to sort thru my brain, laugh, cry, relax, and get back in touch with myself. I REALLY didn't want to come back to reality!

Yet here I am in reality again and I think it's time to get back to southern Illinois. :)

Long time, no heard from

Well, my hubby advised me I should really blog again since I haven't blogged since I went away for a month over the past holidays. So, I guess I will have to get back on track and start some new blogs.

I have some old ones running around in my head.

Nothing exciting happened while at my parents home and that disappointed. NOT to say I wasn't scared out of my mind with the creepy male dude that's in their home but...well, that's another story.

Posts are SOON to follow, dear hubby. :)