Monday, February 23, 2009

Indian girl and small boy

The woman who I read the first EMT call she went on and her father's house had another house she wanted me to read so one night we decided to go visit.

This woman had a small child and I told her I wouldn't read her house if her child was home because I just feel they are too vunerable and I don't know what I may conjure up in a reading.

This person believed she had a ghost that was following her, sometimes in her car, because she had counseled this woman and she felt she was haunting her. I didn't get that at all. What I did get was quite interesting though.

She lives right by the Sherburne National Wildlife and in her field I picked up a little Indian girl. This little girl was VERY happy. She was frolicking in the field. Had a long white dress on. Sort of like the ones the girls wore on Little House on the Prairie. She had long brown hair that was flowing. She was very happy. I was actually glad to see this, rather than a sad ghost.

Yet in the house is where I didn't like the feel. I went downstairs and felt a little boy. One who was very sad. The woman who lived there said she did hear crying sounds coming from the one room at times. I told her this little boy was actually abused, in a very bad way. He was locked in a freezer. You know the freezers that you would put meat and stuff in? Those old time ones? He was crying and saying that he didn't deserve to be in there. I would say he was probably about 5-6yrs old. I can't tell you from what era he was from but I do know that his daddy was not very nice to him at all.

The weird thing? After we toured the house we went into the field, where I saw the little girl? In that field WAY in the back was a freezer, you know the type? I asked the woman how long it had been there and she said every since she lived there. She said she didn't even know where it came from.

I was not allowed to speak of this to anyone because she has a business of her own and I couldn't say where the location of this home was. She's got history there.

Yet, I never saw the woman who she thought was "haunting" her.

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