Again, this is NOT our camper that we use to have BUT I do know mom has a pic of that somewhere but she lives in Illinois and I'm not going to be going there for about 2mos so this will have to do.
Our truck we had for the camper was green, if I remember correctly. I don't remember if the camper on the back matched or not.
I don't even remember how old I was or where we lived. I do remember that we went camping and we woke up to nothing but snow ALL around us. I think mom said this was the first time I had ever seen snow so it was very exciting.
The scary thing? I didn't sleep well at all!
My mom thinks I am able to move things with my mind too although I have yet to be able to do that in my ADULT life. I do honestly think that as a child I was able to do this. It would explain this story? Maybe? The next story too, "Raggedy Ann and Andy".
Like I said we were in this camper and we were trying to sleep. Well mom and dad were sleeping just fine up in their top bunk while I was down below.
I had this toy train that was made of plastic. It had the rubber horn that you pushed to make it choo-choo. You had to push the train to make it go, no battery toys at this age. :)
I was trying to sleep that night and this train kept choo-chooing. I kept thinking to myself why mom and dad couldn't HEAR this thing? Why wouldn't mom wake up? Did I even bring this train? I don't remember having it with us. I knew it was in a compartment because that's where the sound was coming from. When you pushed it it would make the clickety-clack noise as well. The scary thing is it decided to come OUT of it's compartment. It was getting closer and closer to me. I was scared out of my mind! My mother wasn't waking up at all.
That's all I remember. I don't know how I finally fell asleep. I use to pull the covers over my head and say fast and furious, "It's not real, make it go away." over and over again. I must have done this to make it stop.
The scary thing? That train wasn't with us! My mother says that I have moved things and brought things to me before. She said I use to be able to look at a present and tell her what was in them. She knew I had not unwrapped them or anything. She said I would lay my hands on the package and she would ask me what was in them and I would tell her. She was always so amazed by this. The other scary thing? That train had been one of my Christmas presents!
Needless to say I HATE camping to this day. I have another story about camping and I will tell that one later but I refuse to camp now. I can't imagine why?
I also recall getting stung by bees on the bottom of my foot in that camper! I still have the scar to prove it.
Camping, no thanks!
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