Saturday, September 27, 2008

How it started?

Well, I guess I really can't say how it started to be exact. I guess it all started when I was born. My mother has it, my mother's mother had it, my aunt(on my mother's side) had it and so forth. I inherited this "gift".
I think my father has this "gift" too but he doesn't really like to admit that fact.
The thing is all my life people have said that it's not a gift but something the devil has created. I was raised in the south and alot of people, I don't think, are keen to this "gift" I possess. It scares them. I actually had a woman who babysat me tell my mom she could no longer babysit because I scared her, I read her mind and she just couldn't have a child doing this. Did I read her mind? I couldn't tell you, I don't remember. I do remember the woman though and her children and I liked her but she was scared of me. Amazing how a 6yr old can scare an adult but I achieved that somehow.
So for years and years I hid the fact that I had a special "gift". Just until a few years ago I didn't tell people until I knew them extreme well and knew they wouldn't think I was any stranger than they already had figured out.
I'm still a little leary on who I tell and I don't really like when friends tell other people about my "gift" if I don't know that other person well but I'm getting over that. I'm learning to accept it.
I doubt my "gift" all the time. Even when people say they are floored by what I have done I still doubt it was actually something I did.
I feel it's a "gift" from God, NOT the devil. I have read and seen other people with this "gift" say it's a gift from God so why should I believe any different?
So, what is this "gift" I speak of? Well, I don't really know how to explain it. My mother and i use to say it's ESP. Is that really what it is? A couple of people say I'm an empath. All I know is that I can "read" houses. I can tell you if a spirit has taken up space there. I can tell you if the house has been remodeled and what use to be where. Recently I have been able to read cars and tell you some interesting things. It's a developing "gift" and I welcome what it brings to me.
Now, I will write blogs about what I can remember and how they happened and then I could maybe go for months before another blog is written. I never know when someone is going to ask me to "read" them, their car, or their house. So you have to wait as long as I do. ;)
Hope you enjoy my collection.

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