Monday, September 29, 2008

Raggedy Ann and Andy

This actually looks JUST like the ones I use to have.

My mom use to make the 3ft. tall Raggedy Ann and Andy's. They were actually pretty cool. She decided to make me a pair for one of my birthdays. I don't remember which one but I remember they were about as tall as I was so I'm sure I was quite young.

I even remember helping my mom make some for other people as I got older.

I had these dolls for years. I was, I believe, in the double digits when this thing happened to me.

I can't remember if I was living in Tx. or Ms. Heck it could have been Maine or Guam for all I remember.

You know those Raggedy Ann and Andy books they use to have? Raggedy Ann and Andy would come alive once the children were away? Remember those? Well I had a BUNCH of those books. I LOVED those books. I would sit and line up all my dolls and stuffed animals and read to them. I love to read. My mom has pictures of me doing this because she thought it was so cute. My youngest has done that before and it was so neat to watch her do this remembering me doing the same thing.

I use to think about when I was asleep at night about what the dolls would do while I was asleep. It was those books making me think this. I remember lying there some nighs and actually seeing my dolls move. It was really creepy. Again, my mom thinks I was doing this.

Well, I finally got to the point it was really starting to freak me out because they were FAKE they CAN'T move and talk. Even though I was young I knew that those books were fiction. Yet it was freaking me out so much I put Raggedy Ann and Andy in my closet! If they were the ones causing my dolls to wake up they had to be stopped so into the closet they went.

I had a friend over one day and she said that we had to play this game of who could stay in the closet the longest. She said it would be fun. So, sure, gullible me says that ya we could play.
So into the closet I went. Raggedy Ann and Andy were there. Raggedy Ann was looking at me. It was dark, it was scary and I KNEW this doll was alive. She was mad at me. She reached her arm out to me. I started freaking out, I wanted out of this closet yet I had to be brave and last in there. Then Raggedy Ann jumped at me and onto me. I FREAKED out. I flew out of the closet. I don't remember anything after that. NOTHING. I don't know how long I was in the closet. I don't even remember where my friend was or went. I just knew that Raggedy Ann was mad at me and she was after me.

I MADE my mother get rid of Raggedy Ann and Andy. Could not have anything of them. I got rid of the books, the dolls, and everything associated with them. They scared the hell out of me.

To this day I will not have them in my house. My mother found some Raggedy Ann and Andy pictures and wanted me to give them to the girls. I put them in the scary cabin! I wouldn't have them in the house. My mother thinks I'm just silly but she knows my fears are true.

How silly to be scared of Raggedy Ann and Andy.

My advice to you, don't let your empath child read those books!!!

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